Call The Professionals

So your shiny, relatively new piece of technology has gone haywire with no warning and left you with a very expensive doorstop! The first thing to do is not panic!

Nearly everything comes with a warranty these days, and a lot of equipment is actually leased to you or has a contract attached to it. This means that your first port of call should always be the company that supplied you with the faulty kit.

Now I’m not saying that all the people who answer the phone at these companies are technical experts or even incredibly helpful, but if you have paid (quite a lot of) money for something which has then stopped working then they have an obligation to help you get it functioning again.

Sometimes you will be very lucky and immediately talk to someone who can fix the problem without further ado. Occasionally you will have less fortune and they will be unable to help. But it’s always a good way to start!

If you are uncomfortable with the idea of talking to someone about technical issues then give me a call and I can do it for you.

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